Latest Minutes


Saturday, January 11, 2025 @ 10:30a

Community Room
24580 Main Street Foresthill
(530) 367-2785

President Wayne Fiske called the meeting to order at 10:34 a.m.

Attendees: Member at Large: Robin Guthrie, Treasurer: Brittney Gossard, Placer Library Services: Sophie Bruno, Gayle McCafferty, Sandy Simester, Sally Drone, Sharon Ross, and Secretary pro-tem: Lorene Euerle

Minutes – Meeting minutes from November 9, 2024, were read by members. No changes were suggested. The last paragraph should be good for the bank to have the signatures updated. Motions – 1st by Robin, 2nd by Sandy S. Minutes approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report – Retiring Treasurer: Robin presented the balance of $1,644.00 which includes $6.00; a donation of $73.00, and a check for $200.00. She moved $2,500 from savings into checking to cover the following expenses:

Symphony            $1,750.00

School Books      $   879,74

OM Networks     $      29.95


Savings balance is now $10,09739 and earned $.18 interest. Both accounts total $11,860.96. There is one bill to pay – for the website. Motion made by Brittney, seconded by Sandy S. to pay the $191 annual cost for the website. Motion passed.

Foresthill Branch Library – Sophie spoke about how busy the Foresthill Library is. School tours continue. The summer reading program is being planned. They are working on “Leveling Up” as the theme. New activities are being created. The summer reading program is always a big push. There are new book arrivals in the library and the backpack kits are ready to go to children. Amy Fletcher is the newest member in our library (she comes from Auburn) and she lives in the area with children in our schools. Tami went to work in the Rocklin library branch. The theme for Valentine’s Day is “Blind Date with a Book”. 

Regarding the closure of the Auburn main library, the linear inches available in the prior elections space is adequate for the Auburn collection, along with sending books to other branches. Auburn books are currently “shadowed”, staff can see them, but the public cannot. When books become available, they will be “un-shadowed.” Of the 14 staff at the Auburn branch, 7 remaining in Auburn conducting programming; 7 staff went to Rocklin and Colfax branches. Erica Holm retired at the end of December – she provided library services in the mobile van. Her position is heavy with outreach activities, visiting care homes, schools, community events. She will be hard to replace.

Book Clubs – Book Clubs – Chapter 1 Book Club got intoShoe Dog. It is a great read about the creation of Nike. Sharon recommended watching the new movie: Nike, based upon the book, Shoe Dog.  Mrs. Lincoln’s Sisters will
be the next book Chapter 1 will be reading.

Shoe Dog is a book about the creation of Nike. Sharon reported, the Chapter 1 Book Club held a film night, serving comfort food. The book was a really good read. Mrs. Lincoln’s Sisters will be the next book the group will be reading.

Symphony Goes to School – Wayne sent a follow-up note to Principal Ashley, no response. Robin confirmed the event is happening. We wondered if there would be space for the FFOL members to attend the event. It was mentioned there was adequate space last year. Possible attendees might be Sally D., Sandy S. kW and Wayne. Lorene will call the Supt.’s office to ensure there is adequate space for FFOL to attend. Since neither Wayne nor kW has heard back from Principal Lawson, we will assume the event is a “go”.

My First Library – The books have arrived! Robin asked if we could set up a packaging party within the next two weeks. We could also include a bookmark, coloring sheets, crayons, bracelets, all placed into a while bag that can be colored. Wednesday, January 22 at 2:00 p.m. has been selected and the Community Room has been reserved. We need to make approximately 130 – 140 bags. We might consider including bookmarks from the History Museum and include a Library application. Last year we gained six new families because of these bags being given out.

Library Celebration – What are we doing for this celebration? Do we have a speaker? Serve food? Who should be the MC? Should we partner with the County Library staff? Should we give away raffle coupons for the prize of a book? What is the agenda? Do we have a display? Treasure hunt? Open House? How do we get people to visit the library? Maybe stations with stamps? We need to publicize the event better than the prior event – where attendance was minimal. We should post the event in at least two Messenger newspapers. The group recognized that kW does try to write at least one article for the Messenger each month. The notice should be included twice in March and once in April. We could ask Jennifer to cater the event. Maybe veggie trays, cheese, baked goods. Hungry Mouth could also be asked to provide food. Sally S. will talk with both businesses. The information should also be posted on the Firehouse electronic board. Robin will ask Patrice to include the event. We could also print ½ sheets of the Open House and include those into the book bags (My First Library). Sandy will make the flyers. Robin and Sharon will get them printed at Stapes. “Birthday 90th Celebration” cupcakes should be purchased for the event. We should add something to the library banner. We will ask kW to research options for a birthday sign. We will get all the details ironed out during the March meeting.

Friends of the Library Grants – kW is working on the grant. Wayne offered any help, just let him know.

Update to the Bylaws – The Bylaws are updated, and Brittney said they are fine. Do we need them signed? The Bylaws need to be adopted by the members. Sophie also needs a copy of them. Motion – Sharon made the 1st; Sally Drone the 2nd. Motion passed. Need them printed and signed by officers. Shall we sign the document during the packing party?

January 17 is the chosen date to meet at Wells Fargo to transfer the signatures and treasurer duties from Robin to Brittney. Sally D’s and Sally Drone’s names must be removed. Brittney should be added so she can make deposits. Robin will also stay as a signee. Should we get a new debit card since the previous card is probably in Idaho with Sally D’? We should also be researching moving our bank accounts to a bank that pays better interest rates. The First Community Bank by Grocery Outlet may take a 501(c)3. Brittney will learn of options and bring it back to the March meeting.


Bills to pay – We discussed purchasing two subscriptions to the Foresthill Messenger for one year. Motion by Sandy S., 2nd by Sally D. During the discussion, Brittney asked if we wanted to spend money on an advertisement instead. We need to ensure we are included in the meeting section instead of an advertisement. Motion passed.

Upcoming Events – Symphony

Library Celebration

Book Sale is set for 1st Saturday in August – August 2nd

Promoting FFOL – Brittney will add the events to our calendar online. She will keep it to the FFOL events specifically.  So, the Birthday Celebration, Book Sale, and Symphony Goes to School are examples of what will be added. Maybe we could add Chapter 1 dates – the 2nd Wednesday in March. If we want to join Chapter 1, we should send an email to Sharon.

We should remember to take photos of the book packing assembly line, and Symphony goes to School events to post on the website.

Website Updates – Wayne, Robin, and Brittney met to discuss the website which is disabled. Tyler, who was our contact has passed on. Perseverance won out. Brittney and Wayne are now administrators and now have access. Please give them contributions which can be posted on the website. Sharon will provide Chapter 1 Books reviews to add to the website. Sally S. will update the Facebook group. Sharon suggested that the FFOL website provide information on how to give donations to the group. We should add the book room and donation info to the website. Brittney will provide a mock-up for the next meeting to review. She will include 1) advertising of the FFOL, 2) how the FFOL supports the mission of the library, and 3) how to use the library as a resource.

State of California – We might contact Michelle from the Rocklin FOL for help with the Dept. of Justice paperwork. The check was returned, and we must pay a $50 registration fee. The Attorney General requires us to be registered in the Registry of Charities. There is also the Franchise Tax Board to complete the Statement of Information. Wayne will research and investigate how to proceed.

Meeting Dates – We discussed keeping our meetings on Saturday mornings or returning to Wednesday late afternoons. Group consensus agreed to returning to Wednesdays.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon.

L. A. Euerle,

Stand-in secretary!