Saturday, March 16, 2024 @ 10:30a
Community Room
24580 Main Street Foresthill
(530) 367-2785
Meeting called to order @ 10:33 by President Wayne Fiske. Also in attendance were:
Sally Drone, Sally d’Aragon, Robin Guthrie, Gail McCafferty, kW Rice and
Sophie Bruno.
Minutes from Jan. 13 were reviewed. Motion by Robin & 2nd by Sally d to accept Minutes as submitted by kW/ …Motion carried.
Treasury Report of Jan. 14-Mar. 15 was submitted by Robin and discussed.
It was noted we’ve done a good job of distributing our funds for our library needs, including the three-thousand allocated since our last meeting.(See previous minutes) Our checking from last meeting’s has gone from $4,183.80 to $1,383.84. Our savings had 45-cent increase to $12,596. Our total funds now are: $13,980.89.
Foresthill Branch report was delivered by Placer Library Asst. Director: Sophie, as parlayed from Branch Specialist: Tiffani Collins.
Storytime is well attended with 20 to 30 people and likely will increase, as per usual, during the upcoming Summer. More Summer ideas are included in New Business ahead.
Sophie continued with updates with Placer Library Services (PLS) report:
PLS is in the process of moving to the new location in Rocklin. There will be an All-Friends Library gathering @ Auburn Library’s Beecher Room, Sat. April 20 @ 10 AM.
a.)Chapter One Book Club just wrapped up The One-Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared. This is a Swedish dark-humor book, a quite more quirkier than past readings; yet it generated good discussion. Next book is A Bend in the River.
b.)Cyber Security Classes went well. Wayne had two pairs of classes, a Saturday/ Saturday class and a Thursday/ Thursday class. Attendance was a mixed issued but was attended by worthwhile patrons. Wayne thinks he will try another class next month, possibly later in the day. The new video screen and projector system worked well.
A.)Wayne submitted a bill of $65.30 for the new movie screen.
Upcoming events:
B1.)The Barn Quilt-Patch is likely a Summer in the Park Project
2.)A Book Sale in August is hoped for, though storage for old books is becoming an almost insurmountable issue. Sophie added this is becoming a problem for all the Library’s FOL. This will be revisited at our next meeting in May.
3.)We might think of inviting the Foresthill Elementary School Principal to a Wild Things soiree, possibly in Auburn, so as to build interest in bringing Wild Things back to Foresthill. >Tabled for next FOL meeting.
Promoting FFOL in the community
C1.)Facebook is a temporary issue as Laura Bumbus has become inaccessible.
2.)The Messenger needs to get our current meeting time updated. It is also suggested we try to submit a short positive article monthly about the Library System. Sally D was enthusiastic about the new PCL website streaming service: “kanopy.” This would be a good start, as would be library happenings and book reviews.
3.)Gail would like to do a short MAC-Forum presentation regularly if it could be prepared for her.
D.)Website Updates: There will be a Special Social Media Committee formed and meeting, to be set up.
E.) Bylaw updates will be prepared and looked into at our next meeting
Wayne adjourned the meeting at 11:42 AM
NEXT FFOL meeting is May 18 @ 10:30 AM